Accreditation Status
2020 - 2021 Accreditation Statuses (waived)
2019 - 2020 Accreditation Statuses
§97.1055. Accreditation Status.
(a) General provisions.
(1) Each year, the commissioner of education shall assign to each school district an accreditation status under Texas Education Code (TEC), §39.052(b) and (c). Each district shall be assigned a status defined as follows.
(A) Accredited. Accredited means the Texas Education Agency (TEA) recognizes the district as a public school of this state that:
(i) meets the standards determined by the commissioner under TEC, §39.052(b) and (c), and specified in §97.1059 of this title (relating to Standards for All Accreditation Sanction Determinations); and
(ii) is not currently assigned an accreditation status of Accredited-Warned or Accredited-Probation.
(B) Accredited-Warned. Accredited-Warned means the district exhibits deficiencies in performance, as specified in subsection (b) of this section, that, if not addressed, will lead to probation or revocation of its accreditation status.
(C) Accredited-Probation. Accredited-Probation means the district exhibits deficiencies in performance, as specified in subsection (c) of this section, that must be addressed to avoid revocation of its accreditation status.
(D) Not Accredited-Revoked. Not Accredited-Revoked means the TEA does not recognize the district as a Texas public school because the district's performance has failed to meet standards adopted by the commissioner under TEC, §39.052(b) and (c), and specified in subsection (d) of this section.