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Welcome to the Department of

Special Education Services


Vision Statement: “Our core purpose is to empower each student to lead a meaningful and purposeful life.”

(A vision statement is a broad statement of where we want to be in the future, our ultimate goal, and the reason we exist)

Mission Statement: “We will provide support and guide high levels of learning for all students by instituting a culture of teamwork, inclusion and collaboration.”

(A mission statement is a guide of what we will do to get to the vision)

Our three commitments: "We are committed to learning, committed to collaboration, and committed to results."

Contact Information

Dr. Adrian Guerra, Director
Phone:  (956) 849-1616
Fax:  (956) 849-1951

Transition Guide on Special Education in Texas Legal Frameworks

Federal and State Requirements, Roma ISD Board Policy, and Operating Procedures can be found on this page.

Transition Site Child Find