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Roma ISD Taxes

Current Tax Rate

The 2023 adopted tax rate for Roma ISD is $1.1391. The combined tax rate is a combination of an M&O tax rate of $0.75750 and an I&S tax rate of $0.38161.

Understanding Tax Rates

Funding for public schools in Texas comes from three main sources: local school district property taxes, state funds and federal funds. The majority of funding comes from state funding and local property taxes.

The state establishes the total amount of state and local funding due to school districts under Texas school finance law. These laws limit school districts’ ability to generate revenue locally. 

Roma ISD is adopts two separate tax rates, one for maintenance and operations (M&O) and the other for interest and sinking (I&S). Every year each tax rate is adopted by the School Board.

M&O Tax Rate

M&O taxes fund the general operations of the District and are subject to the state's funding formula for public education. This is the part of the budget that pays for staff, utilities, supplies, general maintenance of facilities and all the costs associated with running our schools on a daily basis. Our school spends almost 80% in personnel costs.

I&S Tax Rate

I&S taxes fund the costs generated by the issuance of school building bonds. Bonds pay for building new facilities and renovations of existing facilities. Roma ISD must seek the approval of voters to authorize the issuance of bonds. Although voters have to approve an entire bond program, the bonds are only issued as school projects are needed rather than all at once. Most bonds are issued for 30 years.