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Roma ISD strives to be fully transparent by providing financial data to our taxpayers, community and stakeholders.  In this Financial Transparency page we include financial information for five years or more of historical data for our annual proposed and approved budgets, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Annual Financial Management Reports.  In addition, this page has historical tax rate information and a debt overview of all the District's outstanding debt.  We also included all the check registers for the previous five years and other financial information as well as links for other agencies that contain other financial information of the District. Also included is the contact information for the District, the Business & Finance Department, Elected Officials and an open record request information is provided.

Financial Summary (2022-2023) Visual

Financial information for the year presented includes revenues by major categories including property taxes. state & federal revenues and expenditures by function. These are presented in total for the year and per student.  Enrollment numbers are from District records.  The District does not assess sales tax as a revenue source. 

      General Fund Revenues Graph (2022-2023) Visual

      General Fund Expenditures by Function (2022-2023) Visual

      Other Financial Information Visuals






Property Tax Revenues and State Revenues per Student

Property tax revenue includes property tax collections, penalties and interest, and other tax-related income. State revenues are primarily made up of funding provided by the State based on state funding formulas, Teacher Retirement contributions made on behalf of District employees, and state aid provided for the District's Debt Service. This information is shown in two differenet graphs.  The first graph shows data from our audited financial reports for our  M&O/General Fund only.  The General Fund is used to account for the day-to-day operations of the District.  The second graph shows data from our audited financial reports for both the M&O/General Fund and the Interest & Sinking/Debt Service Fund. The district has no sales tax revenue.


Property Tax Revenue per Student


Property Tax per student all funds




Property Tax Revenues


Expenditures per Student

Expenditures per student  are shown for the previous 10 years including all funds. 


Expenditures per student




Total Expenditures per Student 10 year



Full-Time Equivalent Staff Visual

Full-time equivalent personnel represents a calculation of the number of employees working for the District stated as full-time positions only. (Two half-time positions count as one full-time equivalent) Staffing levels may vary throughout the year. The information is from the Teacher Academic Performance Reports.


FTE Staff graph




Property Tax Rate per $100 Valuation

The District's property tax rate is made up of a Maintenance & Operations  and  Interest & Sinking. The Maintenance & Operations tax rate provides funds for the maintenance and operations of the school district. The Interest & Sinking tax rate provides funds for the payments on the debt that finances the district's facilities.


Property Tax Rates per $100 Valuation


      Tax rate history 

      Tax Rates & Property Values History



Included are the District's General Fund and Interest & Sinking budgets for the current fiscal year and the previous four fiscal years.   


Included are the check registers for the current fiscal year and the previous five fiscal years. They include the date, payee, the amount of the check and a brief description of the purchase.


The District's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the prior 7 fiscal years are included.


The District's FIRST Ratings and Financial Performance Management Reports for the prior 7 fiscal years are included.


      S&P Global Rating

      Fitch Rating

      Moody Rating



Debt Overview

Roma ISD issues bonds to finance major capital expenditures. These include constructing and equipping schools & other district facilities, building additions & renovations. Bonds authorized by voters by a majority vote in a bond election are issued by the District based on cash needs for the projects. The Interest & Sinking Fund is used to repay the bonded debt.


Debt Summary (visuals)

Tax Supported Debt

Outstanding General Obligation debt is presented as of fiscal year ending August 31, 2022.


Tax Supported Debt






Carlos Gonzalez
Superintendent 956-849-1377 

Pedro O. Alaniz
Executive Director - Business and Finance 956-849-1377